Spectroscopy Europe Issues
- X-ray fluorescence for cultural heritage
- Optical spectroscopy in therapy response monitoring
- Raman and photoluminescence of uranium minerals
- Raman imaging of structural changes in plant tissues and single cells
- Multisensor hyperspectral imaging for chemical structure determination
- QCL imaging of tissues and biofluids
- MALDI imaging of fingermarks
- Assessment of therapeutic protein candidates
- FT-IR spectroscopy of pollen
- Broadband photon time-of-flight spectroscopy
- Ambient aerosols using synchrotron XRF
- Atomic dielectric resonance
- Spectral database for postage stamps by FT-IR
- MIMS for in situ environmental monitoring
- Raman for biological organisms and for food
- Applications of FT-IR spectroscopy to algal research
- Dating of fossil teeth by EPR
- Nanoscale IR of energy related materials