TOptica have introduced FemtoFiber ultra NIR, the third generation of their femtosecond fibre laser
TOPTICA Photonics AGTOptica’s new time-domain terahertz platform, TeraFlash, and the CW-terahertz spectrometer, TeraScan, both have a peak dynamic range >90 dB.
TOPTICA Photonics AGIntegrated Optics introduced an upgrade to its MatchBox series of ultra-compact CW laser sources for spectroscopy, sorting and illumination
Integrated OpticsPhotonis Netherlands has released a new photocathode designed to provide a combination of extremely low dark counts, fast response time and a high quantum efficiency
Photonis Scientific IncIn time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC), single photons are not only counted but the time of detection is also determined based on a reference signal
Laser Components (UK) LtdEnergetiq Technology has introduced the EQ-400 high-power, ultra-bright laser-driven light source (LDLS).
Energetiq Technology Inc.PicoQuant has introduced two new picosecond pulsed laser platforms. The VisIR-765 “STED” has an optical output power of up to 1.5 W at 766 nm with a laser pulse width of 500 ps.
PicoQuant GmbH