For the correlative analysis of Raman, AFM, AFM-Raman, cathodoluminescence and fluorescence data and microscopy images (optical, scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy).
HORIBA ScientificThe updated RHGen relative humidity controller can be used in conjunction with light microscopy, Raman, FT-IR and X-ray to provide further sample characterisation.
Linkam Scientific InstrumentsThe Thermo Scientific Nicolet RaptIR FTIR Microscope enables FT-IR imaging of large, heavy samples.
Thermo Fisher ScientificThe 2030PV PRO™ is a system able to acquire spectra of microscopic samples throughout the UV-visible-NIR region in absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence and photoluminescence.
CRAIC TechnologiesSCiLS autopilot automatically conducts six key performance optimisations to quickly move from a prepared slide to acquisition of data.
Bruker Daltonik GmbHPicoQuant’s stand alone, compact laser module provides three individual wavelengths in either picosecond pulsed or continuous wave mode.
PicoQuant GmbHThe new large-scale instrument combines AFM capabilities with photothermal IR nanospectroscopy.
Bruker Nano GmbHUV plus visible hyperspectral camera allows new investigations into ultraviolet research.
Resonon Inc.Teledyne announces advanced IsoPlane imaging spectrograph with increased spectral and spatial resolution.
Teledyne Princeton InstrumentsA cryogenic Raman imaging system that integrates attocube’s cryostat and nanopositioner technology with WITec’s alpha300 correlative microscope series.
WITec GmbHVersion 9 of Mountains software from Digital Surf includes MountainsSpectral® for correlation and spectroscopy analysis.
Digital SurfThe new mass spectrometer provides imaging with DESI and MALSI sources and will serve as the basis for Waters’ next generation ToF instruments.
Waters CorporationRemote probes capable of focus-tracking added to Renishaw Virsa, along with real-time analysis of a constant flow of Raman data.
Renishaw LtdThe IMA from Photon etc is a hyperspectral microscope covering the visible and short-wave infrared wavelengths (400–1620 nm).
SphereOptics GmbHThe Hyper-Cam Airborne Mini from Telops measures in the longwave infrared region to detect and identify gases and minerals.
TelopsThe 508 PV™ collects UV-visible-NIR absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence and polarisation spectra and imaging through a microscope.
CRAIC TechnologiesThe ParticleScout automated particle analysis tool to offer greater speed and versatility for finding, classifying and identifying microparticles.
WITec GmbHRaptor Photonics’ Ninox 640 SU is a vacuum cooled InGaAs-based camera with 640 × 512 sensor with a 15 × 15 µm pixel pitch.
Quantum Design UK and Ireland Ltdimec and XIMEA have introduced the xiSpec2 series of hyperspectral cameras.
ImecEdinburgh Instruments’ new RMS1000 Raman microscope is an open architecture, research-grade confocal Raman microscope.
Edinburgh Instruments Ltd