Waters Corporation has introduced the RenataDX™ Screening System, a flow-injection tandem mass spectrometry (FIA-MS/MS) system for rapid high-throughput analysis of extracted dried blood spots and other human biological matrices. The need for dried blood spot analysis in clinical laboratories is growing annually, so scientists need more sample throughput capabilities to meet the demand.
The RenataDX Screening System also offers laboratories the flexibility to run any suitable FIA-MS/MS laboratory developed test or ready to use reagent kit. It incorporates the high-performance combination of the Xevo™ TQD IVD Mass Spectrometer, the ACQUITY™ UPLC™ I-Class IVD Binary Solvent Manager and the 3777C IVD Sample Manager.
The system runs the combination of MassLynx (IVD) and IonLynx™ Application Manager Software, seamlessly integrates data into laboratory workflows. The IonLynx Application Manager processes FIA-MS/MS data, to present clinical scientists with a familiar, yet robust and reliable diagnostically-proven informatics tool.
The RenataDX Screening System is manufactured as an US FDA Class I medical device and is CE Marked to the European Directive 98/79/EC (IVDD).