Rigaku Analytical Devices has introduced the Progeny ResQ FLX, handheld Raman analyser, specifically designed for narcotics identification. Based on the Progeny ResQ 1064 nm Raman analyser released in 2015, the Progeny ResQ FLX provides law enforcement agencies with greater flexibility for use in the widespread opioid epidemic and increase in drug trafficking. The response time is less than one minute and the analyser can scan through glass and plastic.
It has a standard library of <1000 narcotics and cutting agents, as well as features important to law enforcement, such as: on-board digital camera to add pictorial evidence to results; smartphone pairing to rapidly transfer results; tamper-proof reports with digital signatures (21 CFR Part 11 compliant); accepted as a Class A analytical technique by the Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs (SWGDRUG); and free library updates. Additional libraries (TICS, explosives, chemical warfare agents), custom applications, Reachback support and 4C technology mode to warn of threat combinations are also available.