Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Spectroscopy Products

FOSS’ FoodScan 2 is a new generation near infrared analyser, 50 % faster than the previous model and with new analytical and software capabilities.

PicoQuant’s first smart picosecond laser driver offers flexible control for a range of applications.

B&W Tek has introduced the QTRam for non-destructive and real-time pharmaceutical content and blend uniformity measurement.

Cryostat enables temperature-controlled measurement of photoluminescence.

RedShift BioAnalytics’ AQS3™pro is a protein characterisation platform based on mid-infrared laser spectroscopy with microfluidics and advanced signal processing.

Ibsen Photonics has introduced the Eagle OCT-S spectrometer platform for OEM supply to manufacturers of analytical instruments.

SimPhospho, an open source tool for accurate simulation of phosphopeptide tandem mass spectra, has been introduced and is available to download.

Jenway’s new 7415 Nano micro-volume spectrophotometer replaces the Genova Nano and has additional connectivity.

Shimadzu has released the new UV-1900 UV-Vis spectrophotometer, which has an ultrafast scan function that enables data acquisition of 29,000 nm min–1.

New security, productivity and industrial control modules are included included in the latest version of Tornado’s Raman software.

The ElvaX ProSpector 3 from Elvatech is the next generation of their hand-held XRF spectrometer series.

Malvern Panalytical has introduced Epsilon 4, a benchtop XRF spectrometer developed from the Epsilon 3 series.

The EDX-8100 energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometer incorporates a revamped semiconductor detector (SDD) with a special ultra-thin-film window material.

The WaveGo from Wave Illumination offers simple yet accurate measurement for the characterisation of light sources.

The latest spectrometer from Ocean Optics uses a novel optical bench design and high-performance components to provide high throughput, low stray light and excellent thermal stability.

Malvern Panalytical have introduced a new version of their Morphologically-Directed Raman Spectroscopy (MDRS®) system, the Morphologi 4-ID.

LECO Corporation has released the Pegasus BT 4D, which offers enhanced sensitivity by coupling the benchtop Pegasus BT TOF mass spectrometer with the GCxGC thermal modulation system.

LECO has introduced the Pegasus GC-HRT+ 4D with a number of new features.

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has introduced the Nexera Mikros Microflow liquid chromatography mass spectrometry system covering the complete range from microflow to semi-microflow.

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments have released the MALDI-8020 benchtop MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer.