PicoQuant has released three new models of the high-throughput multichannel event timer MultiHarp 150: MultiHarp 150 4P, 8P and 16P. The units have either 4, 8 or 16 detection channels and offer improved timing precision with 10 ps minimum bin width, along with jitter better than 45 ps (root mean square). The new MultiHarp 150 models are PicoQuant’s latest TCSPC electronics for fast and high-resolution fluorescence lifetime imaging (rapidFLIM) and multichannel photon correlation. All detector channels and the common SYNC input of a MultiHarp 150 are all independent and synchronised. The SYNC input can also be used as either an additional detection channel or for a periodic reference signal with repetition rates up to 1.2 GHz. Depending on the configuration of the computer, the MultiHarp 150 can sustainably capture and transfer 80 million time-tags per second with single channel peak rates of up to 1.5 Gcps for short times. Thanks to its hardware-integrated 65536 bin histogrammer, count rates up to 166 million counts per second (Mcps) in total for 4 or 8 channel versions, and up to 332 Mcps for the 16 channel version can be achieved in lifetime measurements, while keeping both the data transfer to the PC and the CPU utilisation low.