From the consumer to scientists in the laboratory, accurate information is key to making critical decisions. Waters Corporation is the world's leading speciality…
ABB’s portfolios of high performance laboratory, at-line and process FT-IR/FT-NIR analyzers address a wide variety of applications. Our spectrometers perform real-time…
HORIBA Scientific is the world leader in Raman Spectroscopy, and leader in OEM Spectroscopy, elemental analysis, fluorescence, forensics, GDS, ICP-OES, particle…
Coherent empowers market innovators to define the future through breakthrough technologies, from materials to systems.
Complete portfolio for Spectroscopy…
IM Publications Open is a publisher of high-quality Open Access/Free-to-Read books and journals. Topics include spectral imaging, NIR, Raman and nuclear magnetic resonance…
The Raman imaging company WITec has established itself as a market leader in the field of 3D Raman microscopy and correlative Raman imaging with AFM, SNOM or SEM. WITec’s…
Bruker Optics, part of Bruker Corporation is the leading manufacturer and worldwide supplier of FT Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman spectrometers as well as Mobile Gas…
Quantum Design UK & Ireland - an established equipment supplier specialising in scientific instruments to Universities, R&D departments & laboratories in the…
Linkam offer market leading solutions in hot stage and freeze-drying microscopy, optical DSC, and thermodynamic sample characterisation. We develop and manufacture a broad…
tec5 USA is a manufacturer of tailored OEM & in-line process spectrometers utilizing UV-VIS, NIR, Raman and LIBS methodologies.
We deliver superb Optical and…
Leonardo designs and manufactures high performance DLATGS pyroelectric detectors for FT-IR applications, IR Spectrometers, IR Microscopes and IR Gas Analysers and is the…